Shadowshot can shut down enemy Supers in the Crucible and shut down hordes of enemies. Sure, grenades and melee abilities are powerful on their own, but Hunters' real strengths lie with their Supers. RELATED: Destiny 2's Deep Stone Crypt Raid Lore Explained

Instead, Hunters are renowned for their devastating Supers that pack a serious punch. A Hunter can mean the difference between one-phasing a raid boss or a multi-phased raid encounter. Lone wolves aren't known for bringing team-oriented buffs. A player who's mastered the Hunter's moveset will be near-impossible to hit. When Exotics are accounted for-ST0MP-EE5, Mask of Bakris, and The Dragon's Shadow to name a few-Hunters are easily the most agile class in Destiny 2. Want to close the gap with the opposition? Use Strafe Jump. Having trouble with jumping sections? Equip Triple Jump. If that wasn't enough, Hunters can launch themselves in the air with ease through their extra jumps. Every Hunter can make use of their Dodge class ability, allowing them to dive out of danger while either reloading their weapon or gaining their melee charge back. Hunters can't shoulder charge or dash through the sky as the other two classes can, but they make up for this with unprecedented agility. Being invisible is great for getting out of tough gunfights, allowing Hunters to easily regen their health and reposition.

Nightstalkers, the Hunter's Void subclass, has the ability to go invisible after certain conditions. Their solo potential is incredible due to one mechanic: invisibility. The only thing Hunters lack is support capabilities, but that isn't necessary for soloing Destiny 2's hardest content. Want to dominate the Crucible as a lone Guardian? Hunters are up to the task. Looking to complete dungeons as a lone wolf? Hunter won't disappoint. No class in Destiny 2 can solo content quite as easily as a Hunter. This article now discusses the largest pros of each class, ranging from their builds to solo potential. Picking a class to main can be quite tough, but that's where this guide comes in. Build diversity has become larger than ever, Stasis has fundamentally changed the game, and each class has received various balance changes. Updated April 1st, 2021 by Charles Burgar: Destiny 2 has seen some massive changes throughout Year 3 and 4. Thankfully, Destiny 2 allows players to create three characters so everyone can have a character of each class, so everyone can freely switch between each class as they choose, but most people spend the most time with their main character, so it's important to choose the right class when starting out.
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RELATED: Best Destiny 2 Mods to Pair With Wrath of Rasputin and Warmind Cells Titans, Warlocks, and Hunters all have their own unique advantages, disadvantages, and skill sets that cater to wildly different styles of play, so choosing the right class can make all the difference in someone's Destiny 2 journey. The world of Destiny 2 is filled with tons of choices to make about gear and loadouts, but no choice is as important as the class a player chooses when they create their character.